Community Conservation Assistance Program
What is CCAP?
The Community Conservation Assistance Program (CCAP) is a voluntary, incentive-based program designed to improve water quality through the installation of various best management practices (BMPs) on urban, suburban and rural lands not directly involved with agriculture production.
Who is Elligible?
Eligible landowners may include:
Parks and Publicly Owned Lands

Why is this Program Important?
How rapid urbanization affects water quality becomes important as North Carolina's land use continues to change. CCAP can help educate landowners on water quality, stormwater management and retrofit practices to treat stormwater runoff.

How does CCAP work?
How does CCAP work?
Interested landowners may apply to their local soil and water conservation district for financial and technical assistance for the installation of BMPs to protect water quality. Applications are ranked based on local water quality priorities and, if eligible, a conservation plan is prepared. Landowners may receive financial assistance of up to 75 percent of the pre-established average cost of the BMP.
The Soil and Water Conservation Commission allocated 100% of available BMP funding for all approved CCAP BMPs through a competitive regional application process.

Wilkes Soil and Water Conservation District has allocated $112,303 CCAP Dollars since 2021.
Interested in CCAP?
Contact Makayla Norman or our office for more information.