The Mobile Soils Classroom (MSC) is a 28’ enclosed gooseneck trailer with a rear ramp and side door that allows students to have a walk through experience of what the world beneath their feet looks like. The MSC simultaneously depicts the biological, chemical, and physical properties of soil so that students gain interest and awareness of the soil and its functions. It is available to schools and events, primarily in Wilkes County, NC and statewide. The classroom is handicap accessible and includes 3D artwork of the soil ecosystem that students can touch and interact with.​

Program Information:
The Mobile Soils Classroom program includes the following:
An immersive and hands-on underground experience for students of all ages. ​
30–45-minute presentation by a trained Environmental Educator
Curriculum matched lessons based on grade level of students.
Q & A Period
What Will Students Learn?
The dynamic ecosystem of the soil including biotic and abiotic factors.
The agricultural importance of soil and its role in crop/food production.
Parts and life cycle of plants including roots and seeds.
How soil connects/relates to math, science, human/nutrition, and agriculture.

Requirements to Reserve:
​What is needed to book the Mobile Soils Classroom?
50-foot parking space
Map or layout indicating location for the classroom sent prior to event day
A completed request form
If outside of Wilkes County, 200 or more students per event
Additional Key Information for booking:
The Mobile Soils Classroom is available year-round.
Plan to schedule in advance due to the popularity of this program.
This is an educational program - therefore good behavior among students and faculty is expected.

Our Sponsors:
NC General Assembly
NC Agricultural Development & Farmland Preservation Trust Fund
Richard J. Reynolds, III & Marie M. Reynolds Foundation
NC Tobacco Trust Fund Commission Grant
The Chatham Foundation
Franklin P and Arthur W Perdue Foundation
The Leonard G. Herring Family Foundation
North Carolina Grange
Wilkes County
AgSouth Farm Credit
Duke Energy Foundation
The Melton Foundation
Weave: The Social Fabric Project at the Aspen Institute
Walton Family Foundation
Surry Yadkin Electric Membership Cooperation
Wilkes County Farm Bureau
Friends of NACD
Wilkes SWCD Board Members
Caldwell County Farm Bureau
Wilkes County Cruisers
WIFM Radio 100.9 FM
GoFundMe Supporters
Ashe County Farm Bureau
Wilkes Communications
Watauga County Farm Bureau
Yadkin County Farm Bureau
Casey & Company Forestry, PLLC
Reds Lawn & Garden
Speedway Road Ruritan